Seminars & Training
Event Risk Management Solutions
Event Risk Management Solutions (ERMS) IS a consulting practice committed to enhancing the organizational resilience of event organizing committees through innovative risk management practices, mission readiness exercise programs and integrated security solutions for today’s uncertain world.
ERMS’s risk based methodology and approach for organizational resilience, event safety and security has been developed through Peter’s comprehensive experience and knowledge of major events, benchmarked against industry best practices and internationally recognized standards for risk management, safety and security of festivals and events.
ERMS’s latest initiative has been the development and delivery of industry specific, 1 day & 2 day risk management and event security workshops for designed specifically for festival and event organizers and city special event staff.
Categories SeminarsERMS online training- “From Risk to Resilience: The Fundamentals of Event Risk Management”By Peter Ashwin on
MANAGING RISK IN TODAY'S COMPLEX AND UNCERTAIN WORLD Risk Management is one of the most important aspects of event planning…yet fewer than 17% of event organizers have a risk management planERMS & Blerter 2020 Industry...
Categories PresentationsYESTERDAY’S INCIDENT IS TOMORROW’S RISKBy Peter Ashwin on
…..risk management at times is viewed as a periodic activity for reporting potential threats, rather than as part of decision-making for taking informed action. Carol Fox, Chair, U.S. ISO 31000 Risk Management Standards Technical...