Operational Readiness & Resilience Exercises Mauris pretium imperdiet ligula, id maximus eros faucibus a. Nam pretium nulla non nibh dapibus tincidunt. Mauris aliquam...
MANAGING RISK IN TODAY'S COMPLEX AND UNCERTAIN WORLD Risk Management is one of the most important aspects of event planning…yet fewer than 17% of event organizers have a ...
COMING SOON Risk Management is one of the most important aspects of event planning…yet fewer than 17% of event organizers have a risk management planERMS & Blerter 20...
The Covid-19 Event Risk Horizon and Assumption Based Planning for Festival and Event Organizers / Planners The assumption-based event planning model was adapted from mili...
In May 2001, after a career of 15 years as an Australian Army officer and a subsequent six month contract at the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games, I landed in Sal...
Crafting a plan and making sure your team is prepared are essential to confronting risks both known and unknown In today’s uncertain world, event organizers and host citi...
It’s an unfortunate reality that in today’s uncertain world, festivals, events and other crowded places where we bring large numbers of people gather on a predictable bas...
“Panic and confusion erupted in Central Park on Saturday night (the 29th September 2018), after a loud noise frightened concertgoers at the Global Citizen Festi...
…..risk management at times is viewed as a periodic activity for reporting potential threats, rather than as part of decision-making for taking informed action. Carol Fox...